The first shipment of seedless grapes 'Delaware'

The Joy of Grapes Harvesting Overcome Midwinter Heavy Snow

2021-04-09     Choi Yong-chul

Seedless grapes 'Delaware' will be shipped from Daejeon City for the first time in the country this year.

Song Il-gu (39) of Daebyul-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon, will deliver the fragrant aroma of grapes to Daejeon with the first shipment of Delaware. Song Il-gu is a representative young farmer in Daejeon who inherited the family business of Song Seok-beom (age 70), who shipped his first shipment every year.

Delaware in Daebyul-dong started its first heating on December 7 after the plastic sheath at the end of November last year. As a result of maintaining a suitable environment for grape growing in the middle of winter, the first harvest was made on April 8, four months ahead of outdoor cultivation.

Song Il-gu establishes an annual production plan to ensure adequate yield each year. This year's output is 2,000 to 2,500 kg.

Delaware has an average sugar content of 17 to 20 Brix, which is higher than the average sugar content of 14 to 15 Brix of ordinary grapes and is famous for its high-quality grapes that are small in size and easy to eat because of seedless.

Kwon Jin-ho, director of the Daejeon Agricultural Technology Center, said, "Everyone is in a difficult time due to Corona 19, but I am happy to make the first harvest with early production technology guidance and diligence by farmers. The Agricultural Technology Center will continue to do its best to harvest high-quality fruits for farmers."