Meet Andepangdang Korea Art and Convergence Platform

2022-02-15     weekly, walkintoKorea

Lee Soon-sun, chairman of the Piccadiri International Museum of Art, signed a strategic alliance agreement with Seo Hyung-won, CEO of The Zoom Holdings Co., Ltd., a fusion patent platform operator, to popularize New Paradise's Wellbeing and Healing through art.

The two companies are launching Healing Interior products to solve problems that have been difficult for ordinary citizens to easily access and general popularization due to the high price among the attributes of art. As a result, anyone can purchase mid- and expensive artworks without much burden, and further expand the permanent art museum in our neighborhood under the concept of "Art is My Friend" of NFT works. In 2023, it will be promoted as a Global Project. Therefore, the Anfander Zoom Platform serves to lower the threshold of the economic burden on artworks for lovers who want to own and appreciate them.

In addition, it is possible to expand the art market by easing the barriers to art appreciation culture and small places where art appreciators can easily access artworks by breaking away from the way of accessing works through the exhibition hall. And "lovers, writers, companies, and art galleries" can build a mutually convenient cultural market. In particular, the newly introduced Anfander Zoom Convergence Platform offers a sales method that provides consumers with unconventional daily necessities and daily necessities that encompass the latest home appliances.

In addition, it implements "New Paradise's Wellbeing & Healing" by providing convenience for consumers to use life and culture at the same time through one platform.

Chairman Lee Soon-sun said that the launch of Wellbeing & Healing's new platform will greatly contribute to the realization of the popularization of artworks by expanding the accessibility of cultural consumers as the market size expands. Due to these market changes, the art world can expect the vigorous creative activities of talented artists. Therefore, beyond stereotypes about artworks, various genres and forms are expected to emerge, further expanding the art field.

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