'Night Universe' - a night-specialized media art simulation is opening soon in O!World, Daejeon

The state-of-the-art media art 'Night Universe' built on 48,000㎡ of Flowerland in O!World will soon shine bright in the dark

2022-09-25     weekly, walkintoKorea


Daejeon City Corporation (대전도시공사) seized the chance to create a nightly-specialized art show. It is concluded that Flowerland is the best place to implement this unique art after conducting basic work such as visiting similar facilities and analyzing visitors' responses. Media art, which utilizes advanced technologies such as LED lighting and computers, has been competitively introduced facilities across the country in recent years, but O!World's Night Universe will surpass its prior competition in terms of size. In particular, by making the most of the existing themed facility called Flowerland, you can enjoy a natural space with flowers and trees during the day and enter another realm, 'Night Universe', which is implemented by advanced digital lighting at night.

In one space, two worlds are intertwined day and night.
Sleeping fairy "Simbi" (심비) wakes up with magical power when the blue moon rises and guides the audience.
As visitors enter the achromatic village together into a beautiful and fantastic world of light, a festival where everyone harmonizes will be held.

The 'Night Universe' consists of 12 spots, each of which embodies unique and spectacular media art.

For more detailed information, visit O!World official website to find out more about 'Night Universe': https://www.oworld.kr/newkfsweb/kfs/dcco/dccoMainindex.do


Promotional Video for ' Night Universe'
