SAT, JULY 27, 2024
Travel in Korea is easier than ever with 1330 Guide Service!
Travel in Korea is easier than ever with 1330 Guide Service!
  • weekly, walkintoKorea
  • 승인 2021.12.31 11:16
  • 댓글 0
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1330 is here to help you have an easy, convenient, and safe travel in Korea!

Have you ever had trouble traveling in countries where you don't know their language? Or where English is not widely spoken? Don't worry because traveling in Korea will be easier than ever with the 1330 Tour Guide Service of the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO)! Below, WalkintoKorea will show you why you will need 1330 if you are a tourist in Korea.

Photo: 1330 Korea Travel Hotline app poster (VisitKorea)

1. Traveling to Korea becomes easier when you have a guide!

Need information when traveling in Korea? The 1330 switchboard is available 24 hours to help you via phone call or real-time texting!

2. Language barier will no longer be an issue

KTO's tour guide service is available in multiple languages! Real-time Chatting service is available in 4 languages ​​(Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese) and real-time calling service is available in 8 languages ​​(Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malaysian/Indonesian).

3. Inconvenience will be gone

1330 service will help you solve your travel inconvenience. Center to resolve visitor complaints related to tourism disputes with businesses; any illegal act; bad behavior of tourism business establishment employees; discrimination because of race or nationality. Click here to learn complaints that will not be handled.
How to submit a tourist complaint
- Website: (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay)
- Phone: 1330 (in Korea), +82-2-1330 (from overseas)

4. Peace of mind with a safe travel

Did you have any problems while traveling in Korea? Call 1330 and they will quickly direct you to a variety of security services such as crime prevention, patrolling, and illegal control in major tourist locations.

How to contact 1330 operator:

1) Dial 1330

  • In Korea - 1330 (without area code) / From Abroad - +82-2-1330
  • INTERNET PHONE: Download the VisitKorea app -> Click "1330 Korea Travel Helpline" at the bottom of the screen -> Click "Call"

2) Language selection

  • Korean: press 1
  • English: press 2
  • Japanese: press 3
  • Chinese: press 4
  • Russian: press 5
  • Vietnamese: press 6
  • Thai: press 7
  • Malay: press 8

3) Speak to a 1330 operator

For more information, visit: (Available in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

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