“UFO Appears in Daejeon (대전에 UFO 출몰): a Science Fiction Sitcom from the Zigzag Delta Team takes place in Daejeon - the Science City
“UFO Appears in Daejeon (대전에 UFO 출몰): a Science Fiction Sitcom from the Zigzag Delta Team takes place in Daejeon - the Science City
  • weekly, walkintoKorea
  • 승인 2024.01.13 16:44
  • 댓글 0
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The research and development story of premature abdominal pain of the Delta team of Chilseong DD, a defense company in the virtual Daedeok District. The film also depicts a scientist who strives to pursue his dream even in absurd situations.

The science fiction genre sitcom Zigzag Delta Team (hereinafter referred to as Delta Team) has started broadcasting, according to the production company Players (Director Yoon Byung-chul).

The Delta team is a research and development machine for the D team of Chilseong DD, a defense company in the Daedeok Special Zone, to find extraterrestrial technology. It depicts a scientist who tries to pursue a dream even in an absurd situation

The work follows a traditional sitcom production method and adds laughing points to maintain interest while dealing with science, technology, and the working life. It also contains the culture and infrastructure of Daejeon as a science city such as the 93 Expo symbol Hanbittap, the Institute of Basic Science, the Heavy Ion Accelerator, and the Daejeon Science Festival.

The Delta team has 3 episodes, and the first episode and the UFO disturbance in the second episode were broadcast on the YouTube channel [Dreamy Delta team]. The 3rd episode was scheduled to air in January 2024.

Director Yoon Byung-chul stated, "The areas that Korean pop culture has not shown so far are in the field of science and technology. If the sitcom succeeds, the genre of domestic content will be expanded, and Daejeon will become a sacred place for science and culture content," he said.

Meanwhile, the Delta team is selected by the Daejeon Information and Culture Industry Promotion Agency to support regional specialized content development.

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