The Korea Arirang Hwallyoukmu Association (대한아리랑활력무협회) and Walkinto Korea signed a MOU, together to develop brand identity and strengthen the global promotion
The Korea Arirang Hwallyoukmu Association (대한아리랑활력무협회) and Walkinto Korea signed a MOU, together to develop brand identity and strengthen the global promotion
  • weekly, walkintoKorea
  • 승인 2024.02.25 15:35
  • 댓글 0
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On February 22, the Korea Arirang Hwallyoukmu Association (Chairman Park Cheon-soo) and Walkinto Korea (CEO Kang Dea-hoon) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for cooperation at the Daegu American Cultural Center.


Through this MOU, the two organizations decided to promote " Arirang Hwallyoukmu" to the world and as well as the Korean Wave, and exchange Korean culture in the global community.

Walkinto Korea is a promotional marketing company that publishes online English news. The company promotes Korea's culture, tourism, industry, and cities to the world and publishes in more than 170 countries worldwide.

Meanwhile, the Korea Arirang Hwallyoukmu Association is promoting the Hwallyoukmu that inherits the Pungnyu-Do, Hankyoreh, distributing dances and gymnastics to heal the body and mind of people through Hallyu art. There are about 10,000 members are training in Korea, and their branches are in China, Laos, Peru, Mongolia, and the Philippines. "We continue to strive for the popularization and globalization of Arirang Vitality Dance," Park Cheon-soo expressed his inspiration. “The MOU with Walkinto Korea will raise the brand value of the Korea Arirang Hwallyoukmu Association. This will serve as a stepping stone for the global promotion and dissemination of the Arirang Hwallyoukmu." 

The Korea Arirang Hwallyoukmu Association:


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